Diabetic Eyesight Complication

On Friday March 18th I visited the healing rooms with a request for prayer for my daughter who has Type 1 diabetic which has caused complications with her sight. Her problems started just over two years ago and she has been having regular hospital treatments since then.
I received prayer and you anointed me with oil on her behalf. I had hoped she would have had a significant improvement following this but she didn’t report anything, so I felt that I would wait for the results from her next consultant visit.
At the beginning of this week she was nervous and anxious because she felt things were deteriorating and she was seeing her consultant on Thursday afternoon.
Praying fervently and remembering the significance of my visit to the Healing Rooms I waited……
On Thursday afternoon, for the first time in over two years, the consultant decided she didn’t need any treatment at that appointment. The area behind the retina is drying out and flattening which is exactly what he has been aiming for!
My daughter had to ask him to repeat himself as she was so surprised that he wasn’t
going to do anything. The procedures that she has to undergo are painful, so she was very relieved.
She knows this is the Lord’s divine hand as I do and it is hugely reassuring to us to know that she is being healed. There is still a way to go and the consultant suggested she would need further treatments and is continuing to see her.  He also said it would be possible to consider starting a family; something she has been advised against as pregnancy exacerbates the condition he is treating.
For the first time in over two years she dares to hope for a family and a future.
We continue to pray for healing and total restoration, but acknowledge the Lord Jesus’ hand in this very significant step.