Double pneumonia & partially deflated lung

For 5 months I had what I thought was a recurring chest and throat infection. I kept going back to the doctor who gave me increasing doses of antibiotics to no avail. Eventually I had an X-ray and was referred to the chest specialist. My G.P. said “I just don’t know what to do.

The specialist explained that the lungs showed evidence of double pneumonia and a partially deflated lung. One of my lungs looked as though a lace tablecloth had been laid across it such was the scarring. There were also signs of sarcoidosis that I had suffered from 30 years ago. This usually burns itself out after the first attack but if it continues causes all sorts of complications for which there is no treatment.

I received healing prayer. Following a CT scan and ultrasound I revisited the specialist. He announced that my lungs were all but one spot clear. When I pressed for a medical explanation he gave no answer.”